Jumat, 10 April 2009

.M.B.E.B. is my nick name

Rabu, 08 April 2009


Personal details:
• Name : Febrina Elisabeth
• Address : Jl. Kavling Pemda IV/177 Karawaci - Tangerang
• Contact details : 0812-8907101
• Driving license : No

• 2006 – current : LSPR – Jakarta
• 2003 – 2006 : SMAN 2 Tangerang
• 2003 – 2004 : Take a English Course in LIA Tangerang
• 2005 : Take a English Course in ILP Karawaci
• 2007 : Attendees of “Marketing in Venus” seminar
• 2007 : Attendees of “Commusication” seminar
• 2008 : Attendees of “Methamorphs” seminar

• A sales promotion girl in 3rd Bobo Fair

Organizations and affiliations:
• A member of LSPR Choir Club

Hobbies and interest:
• Watching television
• Listening radio
• Taking photographs
• Singing
• Listening the music
• Traveling


Jakarta in The Night

Christmas in Harmonic





Chocolate is one of the foods that really liked in every group of society and also in every age. The taste of chocolate is sweet and delicious. If we eat chocolate, it can make we feel relax. For some people, chocolates are used to symbolize love or just to show affections to special people. But there are some people that choose not to consume chocolate, with many reasons like afraid of obesity, pimples, etc. Moreover there are also many people that have phobia with chocolate. They believe that chocolate is the causes of obesity. Because of that, Chocolic as a chocolate confectionary in Indonesia tries to make a new innovation of chocolate that can change opinions of people that obesity is the impact from eat chocolate. So, every body can enjoy the pleasure of chocolate without afraid to become obese.

Frolic is a diet chocolate. Our company makes it to fulfill the wants of people that really like it. This chocolate is not made from sugar as the sweetener. So it contained less calories and don’t make teeth ache. As the replacement of sugar, frolic use honey to make the chocolate sweet. Beside of that, this chocolate has variety of flavors. They are banana, mocca, peppermint, rum, coffee and chocolate in one packaging. The composition of those flavors is directly imported from other countries that are the best importer of ingredients. For example the best coffee is from Arab. So the quality of this chocolate is guaranteed. Frolic is in star shape, to give psychological effect like a star. The packaging is made from can with special design to give exclusive impression and it recyclable so safe for the environment. This diet chocolate has big size and thick. So, it can satisfy the eater.

Beside of the strengths, Frolic also has some weaknesses. First, the price is relative expensive. It is because frolic use imported ingredients. Second, the way to eat it is a little difficult, because before we eat this chocolate, we should take out the chocolate from the can or packaging. And also many people are not surely like the new flavors. Frolic is dish up just with one size and the distribution is limited.

To produce the better chocolate, there is an opportunities that we can make new flavor of chocolate that is more ordinary so can make us easier to sell the product. After that, we can produce chocolate with different size and try to make the distribution network wider so it can make the product more famous and recognize by the public to increase the graphic sales and finally to get the profit for the company.

But to apply the opportunity, there are some threats that can burden to go forward or develop this company. Many competitors that come from own country or foreign country. If the number of competitor is increasing it can make us more difficult to get our target market. And other threat is about export-import. Instead of the expensive cost, the process to export-import is difficult.


Name of our product is Frolic.
Frolic is come from English language that means “play about in a lively way”, in simply words: we can enjoy our live.

Our products are made for diet person. So if the people consume it, they won’t think that it can make they become obese. Most of people think that the chocolate is the caused of obesity, but not with our product.

With that reason our company named this product, frolic. We must not think it will give effect if we consume the chocolate, so we can enjoy when we eat chocolate in our live.


Type of our product is food.


Our company is based in Indonesia. We see that the people of Indonesia is really not conscious about health, more over with the modern habit; most people tend to do everything quickly and instantly, and also in food. Then, it’s not surprising that food such as junk food is famous in all over the world. This condition is also happening globally in international. It can cause many illnesses.

Based on this case, our company tries to give more attention to this problem. Chocolic, a company that has a vision to give new opinion for the people about which food is and which one is not for consume?

One of a good and healthy food for consume is chocolate until now chocolate is categorize as a snack which is unimportant. It caused bad impact to our health.

Chocolic is a chocolate confectionary for those who wants try to change this opinion. We try to make an alternative food to fulfill people healthy that are chocolate. Chocolate is a healthy food and good to consume.


Dixty Communications


Press conference and Product Launching


The title of Chocolic Press Conference and Product Launching is l’ chocolate est moi (means: I’m the chocolate).

It comes from French language that means I’m the chocolate. We use French language because:

• Frolic is made for upper class where French can represent the high class lifestyle. And also French language can make us feel elegant when we hear it.
• In this event we want to show people that frolic is better than another chocolate because it is a healthy chocolate which contain low fat, low calories, and good for teeth and won’t case the obese. This is the new innovation for chocolate holic to consume that healthy chocolate.



Fulfilling the commitment of fifth semester in STIKOM – The London School of Public Relations, we are a part of mass communication batch X, have to conduct this kind of proposal of magazine gaining.

Now, just begin from such friendship we construct our team as a strong one, The Death By Chocolate. The name ‘The Death By Chocolate’ is inspired by one of the most famous chocolate restaurant that sometimes official partner ‘likely’ for us.

For us, each part of this semester have been very, amazing, they are enchanting. Enclosed by five members, Ziske Taufik, as a team leader and a graphic/layout designer, Febrina Elisabeth as a managing director and proposal handler, Cassandra Ethania as an pre – production manager, while Astri Yunelda is a post production manager and Teguh Yasa as a publishing director.

In conducting this kind of journalism art form, we all know that we are going face a lot of kind of troubles, but as students, we will always learn to carry out the best thing we can achieve.

Our motto is ‘We are learning, and will always learn to carry out the best.’ That also means from the very first few of work may be that we never dare to make a mistake. Making mistake for us is to know how to do some thing in the better way.

The highest appreciation for those, who struggle for this kind of production, is maybe a large amount of money, or the glorious awards. But if there are some readers that got even small path helping from this magazine, then as a learner, nothing more that will content us.

We would like to take this advantage to give my sincerest gratitude to all the people we are dedicated to this production. Almighty God, for let everything happen in our life, none of this will possible without Your Grace, Mr. Ernst Katoppo, as The Lecture of Print Media Production Workshop, Mr. Ferry Dafira, Our Parents who keep in giving understanding and their loves to us, and friends that for ever will be there provide us always the nice support ever.


The velvet is a magazine that exclusively made for Aman Resorts, a world wide known hotels and private resort. Just like the denotative meaning of velvet, The Velvet will bring you into something that reflects the over all of Aman resort. Published within three months, The Velvet provides you some classy article, about self – knowledge and personal high dedication.

Some article such as the heritage which will guide you into the traditional generation to generation culture, the philosophy which originally written by Khalil Gibran or the residence will may you find only in The Velvet.

The Velvet’s designs are made as classy as might, according to the Aman Resort’s target audience that’s consequently exclusive.

Based on the choosen material and article, we hope that this magazine will provide the indeed information of Aman Resorts and can complete the leisure that Aman’s guest hopes can be found in Aman.


• The Velvet is a magazine that well specialized that shows the image of exclusiveness.
• The layout, design, and article are very well integrated, that comes to support the image of Aman Resort it self.
• Has a really specified target audience that might us to reach them easily.
• Gaining the classy image of Aman Resort.
• Gaining more income and audience interest in Aman Resort.

• The range of the target audience is too small
• Will spending a bit large cost to publish something exclusive
• Actualize the Velvet will contribute Aman the stronger image, not direct income.

• Some of Aman’s competitor has not published any image builder magazine yet.
• The Specialize target audiences of Aman Resort help us to publish something that shoot directly to the point.

• Some of guest might not have much time to read this publication (some of them are celebrity, business owner and those who has no much time to spend.)


'RUU Pornografi dan Pornoaksi dalam Skema Sitem Politik Indonesia'

Secara umum, sistem politik Indonesia saat ini berazaskan demokrasi negara kesatuan dengan sistem pemerintahan desentralisasi. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa setiap daerah (provinsi, kabupaten/ kota) mempunyai kewenangan untuk mengatur daerahnya masing-masing dengan mengacu kepada kewenangan wajib yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah pusat. Dalam menentukan kebijakan dan keputusannya, pemerintah melalui sebuah proses yang panjang seperti yang tergambar dalam skema system politik. Skema system politik berawal dari adanya input yaitu informasi mentah yang bersumber dari lingkungan system politik yang nantinya akan diproses dalam system tersebut. Input berupa demand dan support. Demand adalah tuntutan yang muncul akibat ketidakmampuan system politik untuk memuaskan masyarakat, sedangkan support mengacu kepada energi yang dibutuhkan system politik untuk berhadapan dengan tutuntutan-tuntutan tersebut baik yang berasal dari dalam maupun luar system. Selanjutnya, input akan diolah menjadi output dalam proses konversi. Pada akhirnya terbentuklah output yang berupa decisions (keputusan) dan policies (kebijakan). Output akan menghasilkan feedback yang akan berpengaruh kepada munculnya input-input yang baru. Keseluruhan skema system politik ini berpengaruh dan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan system tersebut.

RUU Pornografi dan pornoaksi adalah salah satu bentuk ouput dalam proses konversi yang tergabung dalam skema system politik. Kondisi masyarakat Indonesia saat ini yang semakin jauh dari basis-basis norma kesopanan dan keagamaan menjadi pemicu munculnya tuntutan-tuntutan yang mengarah kepada pembatasan-pembatasan yang lebih tegas dan keras terhadap tindakan pornografi dan pornoaksi. Tayangan-tayangan yang beredar di masyarakat tidak jarang diletakan pada tempat-tempat yang tidak seharusnya, khususnya tayangan pada media elektronik. Secara mudah dan cepatnya, semua masyarakat dari semua kalangan umur dapat mengakses semua informasi yang seringkali tidak sesuai dengan konsumsi yang seharusnya. Tidak hanya pada unsure media, ada beberapa unsur-unsur lain yang juga mendukung aksi pornogarfi dan pornoaksi tersebut terus berkembang ke tingkat yang lebih kompleks. Peristiwa tersebut memberikan pengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap perkembangan mental masyarakat Indonesia ke arah yang lebih negative. Untuk itu, banyak masyarakat bahkan dari tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, khususnya tokoh-tokoh agama yang mendukung pendapat-pendapat tentang aksi tersebut yang dianggap sangat berkembang dan telah mendominasi dalam masyarakat. Bahkan beberapa dari tokoh-tokoh tersebut mengungkapkan secara frontal tentang pelarangan aksi pornografi dan pornoaksi. Tetapi di samping itu, ada sebagian dari masyarakat yang menyatakan perbedaan pendapat di mana bertolakbelakang dengan pendapat sebelumnya, karena pada dasarnya mereka merasakan ketidakjelasan tentang apakah yang disebut dengan tindakan pornografi dan pornoaksi.

Skema politik berlanjut kepada proses konversi, bagaimana tuntutan dan dukungan yang berupa aspirasi dari masyarakat diolah menjadi suatu output yang berupa keputusan atau pun kebijakan. Proses ini bergulir di lembaga pemerintahan. Semua aspirasi yang dilontarkan oleh masyarakat ditampung dan dipertimbangakan oleh pemerintah. Pemerintah sebagai lembaga eksekutif, bukan hanya bekerja sebagai pelaksana Undang-undang, tetapi juga pembuat usulan atapun konsep untuk dijadikan Undang-undang yang memerlukan persetujuan lembaga legislative yaitu DPR. Peristiwa yang terus berkembang dan bergejolak dalam masyarakat ini menjadi pertimbangan yang sangat kuat bagi pemerintah untuk menetapkan suatu kebijakan atupun keputusan yang cenderung mengikat masyarakat dalam rangka peningkatan moralitas dan juga ketahanan nasional. Tindakan pornografi dan pornoaksi harus dideskripsikan secara jelas dan gamblang. Apakah yang menjadi tolak ukur sebuah tindakan pornografi? Kondisi masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk sangat menyulitkan dalam pembuatan Undang-undang tersebut. Contohnya, definisi pornogarfi dan pornoaksi yang ditimbulkan melalui cara berpakaian yang terbuka. Bagaimana hal ini dapat diaplikasikan di daerah-daerah Indonesia yang memiliki pakaian adat sangat terbuka, pakain adat Suku Dayak misalnya. Apakah ini dikategorikan tindakan pornogarfi dan pornoaksi? Bagaimana dengan lingkungan daerah wisata Indonesia yang sangat potensial seperti Bali? Semua itu dipertimbangkan secara seksama oleh DPR bersama pemerintah dengan referensi tokoh-tokoh masyarakat yang berkompeten di dalamnya.

Akhirnya tercapailah sebuah kesepakatan tentang tindakan pornografi dan pornoaksi yang dituliskan dalam sebuah Rancangan Undang-udang. Secara umum rancangan tersebut ditujukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan social masyarakat Indonesia yang semakin meningkat dan berujung kepada perbaikan moral dan ketahanan nasional. RUU tersebut merupakan output dari hasil proses konversi yang telah dilakukan oleh DPR bersama pemerintah.

Skema system poltik tidak berhenti sampai pada terbentuknya RUU tersebut. Dikeluarkannya RUU Pornografi dan Pornoaksi menimbulkan pendapat-pendapat baru dalam masyarakat sebagai feedback dari proses konversi tersebut. Karena pada awalnya RUU Pornografi dan Pornoaksi akan diberlakukan secara general untuk semua daerah di Indonesia, padahal dengan status otomoni daerah, berarti pemerintah daerah memilki kewenangan untuk menentukan peraturan apa yang belaku di daerahnya tetapi bukan juga peraturan yang menyimpang dari peraturan pemerintah pusat. Karena itu, berarti muncul input baru dan akan berlangsung proses konversi yang terus menerus tentang tindakan pornografi dan pornoaksi, begitu juga dengan Undang-undang lainnya sebab UU juga akan terus diperbaharui dalam rangka memenuhi kebtuhan masyarkatnya yang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman.

'How Television Programs Influence People’s Behavior'

What is television? Television is one of the electronic media that is forming of progress of science and technological in this globalization era. A television can give a picture about many events manifestly either through audio and visual. With reachable expense and also flexible form to put television on, television become the Indonesian’s favorite choice to get the information and entertainment, even can be told by them the television have become requirement of society fundamental in this time. Only with a television, someone have can claim their self for human which have kept abreast of the era and competent conceived of the modern man. How is doing? Television is modern century product and from this object human learns more to be modern man. Television has the strongly power to deliver the message. Through a television, everyone can know many matters during which quickly and relative shorten.

In this time, television program have expanded, even in the level that relative significant, including in Indonesia. With a large quantity of television stations (government and private television stations) that also increase very fast, enable more and more the television programs circulating in society. Each the television stations make an effort to grab attention of society by trying to present the other event of other television station. Each television station has the individuality each in broadcasting the events. There is a special television station that shows programs concerning news and science. The example is Metro TV. There is also some the television stations that’s displaying television program in form of short film be like SCTV, RCTI, Indosiar. Besides is also Trans TV and TV7 which presenting many immeasurable in-house production his type.

With immeasurable of the television broadcasts, television can give the big potency in change of people’s behavior. Change of people’s behavior divided becomes two directions. First, instruct positive and secondly instruct the negativity. Positive, if the television program contents science and education. Be like the example, news programs, talk show, and variety show. One of the television programs that give the major effect to change of people’s behavior in the Indonesia society is television program that concerning danger formalin in usage of food production. Unawareness of food producer concerning danger formalin can cause serious problem for his consumer. Through the event program, society know and comprehend deeper the usage formalin and this matter have an effect on to attitude and consuming level the food that predicted content formalin. Other example for positive influence of television program is television event concerning the history of Indonesian history at a period of struggle of Indonesian before independence. Its impact, society have the perception more circumstantial concerning struggle of Indonesia warriors and expected they can esteem the warrior services through execution of their obligation as good Indonesia citizen and being responsible. Beside that, the television program that titled "Jalinan Kasih" what is broadcasted by one of private television station, where through the program is presented how do life of diseased people who raise hell and don't have the expense last for curing his disease. We will see clearly how they face their illness with minim life. It will be inspired society to assist and more esteeming of that people who has the illness like that. Beside the two program types, still many the television program that give the positive influence to change people’s behavior like quiz concerning science, sport programs, and political debates.

Secondly, beside play a part in to change behavior of society up at which are positive, television is also give negative impact. For adult society, it is possible to perceive deeper the television program so that is not easy to change. But, big influence exactly affect to teenager and children. They will be more easy to follow the matter become the favorite at a period to selected without thinking of do mentioned may or is not to done. The television event that’s very phenomenal for the children that give bad influence for all day long are Smackdown. This event presents the competitions that perform strength and hardness with usage of hard appliances like chair, desk, and board, what is used to beat the opponent. This is very horrible. With the high intensity, a child look on the event indirectly will do it and make this as game among friends. As a result, many children have an accident. The children don't know how do process early that contest walk, technique what do was used, mentioned is engineering. They only seeing the existence of a competition between two groups where between his players each other beating, kick, bouquet, and lambaste. Television program instruct to hardness be like Smackdown also still many, like Samurai X, Power Ranggers, and Ultra Man. Those programs teach that hardness is walking to finish the problem. Look on other which instructs to negative side of behavior of children is Crayon Sinchan. Indirectly, this event teaches the pornography as well as bad attitude unloving to the old fellow. Although made with tidiness of cartoon, this program gives the negative influence to the children behavior clearly. Besides that, there is short film called “sinetron” that also give the negative impact for children. Conceive how many is “sinetron” which broadcasted in television in every day its. And how many do negative things which are indirectly taught to children through the event. It is able to change behavior of society along with more and more develop television programs in this time.

To avoid the negative influence of watching television needed larger role of parents. They must more pay attention of what they children watch and try to give explanation of it. The parents also must know the children do outside home (with their friends and their school environment). Beside that, commission broadcasting of Indonesia television is also better more controlling of television station broadcasts to obviate the happening of worse things, especially which affect to children.

We may conclude that basically television program is surely gave the influence to people’s behavior look on good it of children and adult, although children tend to easier affect the intensity cause they watch television very high intensity. But the influence is which affect positive and is which affect the negativity. That all depended they how to look on, do in level equity and how do they answer to what do they are look on, do the program direct swallowed out of hand or thought of and accurately in advance so that give the better benefit for life in the future.

'In Your Own Words What Is Publicity Means To You'

Menurut opini saya, publisitas adalah sejumlah informasi tentang seseorang, barang atau jasa, organisasi yang disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat luas melalui media tanpa adanya bayaran atau pengawasan dari sponsor. Publisitas dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk seperti membuat berita pada media massa, mensponsori event, diskusi, seminar, aksi social, dsb. Media bersedia mempublikasikan suatu cerita apabila cerita tersebut dirasa menarik dan layak dijadikan suatu berita. Dengan dapat menyiarkan atau pun menuliskan sebuah berita dengan baik maka secara tidak langsung akan berdampak pada pandangan masyarakat mengenai media itu sendiri, begitu juga dengan pandangan masyarakat terhadap perusahaan tersebut. Publisitas pada akirnya akan menguntungkan ke dua belah pihak, media dan perusahaan yang membuat publisitas tersebut.

Berkembangnya perusahaan-perusahaan media khususnya perusahaan iklan di Negara kita saat ini membuat perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut berlomba-berlomba mencari cara terefektif untuk menarik perhatian dari khalayak umum. Dengan tidak mengeluarkan biaya, media mendapatkan keuntungan tersendiri dari publisitas suatu perusahaan atau organisasi. Media tidak mengeluarkan biaya namun di sisi lain dapat menarik perhatian penonton, pendengaar atau pun pembacanya. Maka tidak heran apabila sebuah media menempatkan sebuah publisitas sebuah perusahaan pada halaman sebuah surat kabar atau pun tempat-tempat lain yang juga mencolok. Ini hanya semata-mata hanya untuk mendapatkan perhatian masyarakat. Karena itu media harus secara jeli menempatkan publisitas mana yang dirasa pantas dan layak untuk diinformasikan. Publisitas yang baik dari suatu perusahaan bukan hanya memberikan reputasi yang baik untuk perusahaan tersebut dan juga akan berpengaruh positif terhadap media yang memberitakannya.

Bagi sebuah perusahaan, publisitas juga menguntungkan. Walaupun tidak mendapatkan bayaran saat mempublikasikan berita mengenai perusahaannya namun secara tidak langsung perusahaan akan mendapatkan perhatian khusus juga dari konsumen media tersebut. Perusahaan akan menarik simpati public. Inilah peran penting dari seorang Public Relations yaitu bagaimana menciptakan kesan yang baik di mata msyarakat mengenai perusahaannya. Pada umumnya berita yang dipublikaskan dari suatu perusahaan adalah berita baik misalnya kenaikan jumlah penjualan, rating program yang terus meningkat, peluncuran produk barang atau jasa baru. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi perusahaan untuk menginformasikan sebuah berita buruk dari perusahaannya. Inilah yang akan menjadi pekerjaan sulit bagi seorang Public Relations, bagaimana berita buruk tersebut dapat dikemas menjadi berita yang pantas untuk dikomunikasikan. Seburuk-buruknya berita, apabila dapat dikomuniksikan dengan baik akan memberikan pengaruh positif dan manfaat bagi perusahaan tersebut. Apalagi pada saat terjadi perubahan, dalam arti perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Seorang Public Relations harus membuat suatu strategi yang tepat untuk hal ini sehingga citra dan reputasi perusahaan akan tetap baik.

Menurut saya, sarana publisitas ini adalah bentuk komunikasi yang efektif bagi sebuah perusahaan. Bentuk komunikasi ini tidak kalah pentingnya dengan bentuk-bentuk komunikasi lain seperti iklan dan promosi penjualan. Keunggulan yang paling utama adalah tingginya tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap publisitas tersebut bila dibandingkan dengan iklan atau pun promosi. Banyak di antara masyarakat yang menganggap iklan atau pun promosi penjualan hanyalah trik dari perusahaan untuk meningkatkan penjualannya dengan tidak memperhatikan unsur kebenaran di dalamnya. Di benak mereka iklan hanyalah kebohongan belaka yang pada kenyataanya tidak dapat dibuktikan oleh perusahaan tersebut. Apalagi melihat kondisi periklanan di Indonesia saat ini yang sering melanggar kode-kode etik periklanan. Ini yang membuat minat mengkonsumsi iklan pada masyarakat menurun. Di sinilah pentinya peran publisitas. Masyarakat akan lebih mempercayai sebuah perusahaan melalui berita yang mereka publikasikan. Karena pada dasarnya tidak mungkin sebuah perusahaan menginformasikan sebuah berita yang di dalamnya mengandung kebohongan mengenai perusahaanya. Karena apabila terbukti tidak benar, maka hal tersebut akan menjadi bumerang bagi perusahaan. Ini akan berdampak pada citra perusahaan itu sendiri. Publisitas mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat kuat di benak konsumen media dan juga konsumen dari perusahaan tersebut. Melihat pentingnya suatu media promosi dengan publisitas maka sudah selayaknya suatu perusahaan untuk mempertimbangkan suatu konsep publisitas yang benar-benar berkualitas. Ini yang terjadi pada PT. HM Sampoerna. Dengan produk A Mildnya perusahaan ini berhasil mendapatkan perhatian khusus dari masyarakat melalui publisitas yang mereka lakukan. A Mild merupakan rokok yang cenderung lebih ringan karena kandungan tar dan nikotinnya yang rendah. Pada awalnya rokok ini tidak dapat mencapai penjualan yang maksimal tetapi dengan meningkatnya kesadaran akan kesehatan, maka konsumen rokok banyak tertarik dan beralih pada rokok yang berkadar nikotin dan tar rendah sehingga bisa merokok dengan aman. Untuk itu, sampai saat ini PT. HM Sampoerna masih gencar mengadakan publisitas dengan mensponsori peristiwa (event) hiburan khususnya di bidang musik dan olahraga (bola basket) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan citra merek A Mild.

Dengan melihat kepada tingginya tingkat keefektifan publisitas sebuah perusahaan dalam sebuah media, ini berarti publisitas memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal harus ada hubungan yang baik antara perusahaan dengan media karena tidak dapat dipungkiri keduanya saling membutuhkan. Dengan hubungan yang baik akan memudahkan kedua belah pihak untuk bekerja sama dan pada akhirnya dapat menciptakan reputasi yang baik untuk masing-masing perusahaan.